Ledlykey's site
Monday, October 31, 2016 8:02 AM | by ledlykey 0 comments
Hi everyone,

I havent update my blog for years. thank you for still following me. im currently continuing my studies in UPM, doing my degree.

love my current course

maybe i will continue updating my story as a degree student here and share a lil bit about my life after i finished my spm. maybe ok maybe. //actually i almost finish my 1st sem. final exam is coming veryvery soon

to everyone out there whoever thinks that u might have ruined ur life pls change that mindset. u dont know what will happen in future so keep on doing ur best and also hoping for the best. 

will update soon
"an infj/infp, a rebel, rambles a lot"
"happiness is not coming from others, it's coming from your choice"
hello //
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